
The relationship between nutrition and metabolic status

Metabolism refers to the transformation and consumption process of substances in the human body, which is necessary for the human body to maintain life activities. Research from the IF Center for Nutrition Science Research has shown that metabolic status can be affected by changing your diet and lifestyle.

1. Relationship between dietary structure and metabolic status The influence of the scientific dietary structure on the human metabolic condition is very important. Research by the IF Nutrition Science Research Center shows that poor eating habits with high salt, high sugar and high fat can lead to abnormal metabolic conditions, which can affect human health. In contrast, a healthy diet based on plant-based foods and controlling the intake of oil and sugar helps to maintain normal metabolic conditions and prevent or slow down the occurrence of metabolic-related diseases.

2. Relationship between nutrients and metabolic status The influence of nutrients on the metabolic status of the human body is also very important. According to the IF Nutrition Science Research Center in the United States, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients are involved in energy metabolism, protein synthesis, cell proliferation and other physiological processes. Different kinds of nutrients have different effects on human metabolic status. For example, multivitamin B can promote the metabolism of sugar, fat, protein, and prevent vascular disease. Vitamin D can promote bone growth and boost immunity.

How to achieve personalized nutrition:

Step 1

Drawing on the nutrition questionnaire, but adding a comprehensive assessment of personal health and disease risks on the basis of testing, it is more accurate and comprehensive, but the cost is relatively high and the user population is relatively small.

Step 2

Establish an expert system and add the latest nutrition research results and a large amount of nutrition-related data, such as dietary guidelines, nutrient reference amounts (DRI), nutritional ingredient data, health product ingredient data, etc. Personalized nutrition advice is more accurate, more comprehensive, more objective and more scientific. Expert systems can be easily updated and improved.

Step 3

Based on the accumulation of large amounts of data, we use AI and machine learning methods to help us give accurate and efficient personalized nutritional advice, reduce the types and frequency of inspections, and make the price suitable for the public.

The basis of personalized nutrition advice is an understanding of the individual situation, but the key to success is the breadth, depth and novelty of knowledge about nutrition, food and the relationship between health and disease.