
Research directions and outcomes of the IF Nutrition Science Research Center

Precision nutrition research

Modern nutrition has gradually become an interdisciplinary field, including

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  • nutrition in the traditional sense
  • Food Science (research, development and production of food and nutraceuticals)
  • Agricultural Sciences (Sources of Food)
  • Chemistry and Biochemistry (Food Composition Analysis and Absorption Metabolism)
  • Physiology and Pathology (Effects of Food on Health and Disease)
  • Molecular biology (mechanisms of effects of food on health and disease)
  • Public Health (food and health are important areas of study)
Raising and growing food
Food processing, handling and production
Health (meeting growth, development and normal physiological functions) and disease prevention
Disease (disease state or abnormality of certain physiological indicators)

Nutritional characteristics:

1.Extremely important for health and disease prevention

Food is the basis for human growth and development and the maintenance of normal physiological functions. A reasonable diet is extremely important for preventing most chronic diseases.

2.A complex system with multiple factors and great individual differences

Food itself and its ingredients are highly complex. The genotype, phenotype and physiological structure of the human body are highly complex and vary greatly among individuals. The human body's absorption, metabolism, and utilization of food components are highly complex and vary greatly among individuals.

3.Inconspicuousness of effect

Compared with drugs, nutritional improvements are usually not obvious or perceived slowly, but they can be reflected through test indicators.

Why Personalized Nutrition:

1. The genotype, phenotype and physiological structure of the human body are highly complex and have huge individual differences.

2. The human body’s absorption, metabolism and utilization of food ingredients are highly complex and vary greatly among individuals.

3. Everyone has different nutritional needs at different stages and under different circumstances.

4. The ingredients and content of the food itself vary greatly.

5. “One Size Fits All” Not applicable.

Personalized nutrition solutions:

Personal nutrition and health goals and current status assessment
  • ➢ Nutritional status assessment
  • ➢ Health status assessment
  • ➢ Disease risk assessment
  • ➢ Intestinal flora
  • ➢ Genetic testing
  • ➢ Protein and metabolomics
  • ➢ Diet structure survey
  • ➢ Lifestyle survey
Comprehensive assessment report of personal health and disease risks
What do you need
  • ➢ Dietary supplements (type, dosage and method of administration) based on individual physical and nutritional status
  • ➢ Dietary recommendations based on individual physical and nutritional status
  • ➢ Suggestions for improving lifestyle habits based on personal physical and nutritional status
Provide personalized solutions
How's the effect
  • ➢ Nutrition, health and disease risk reassessment
  • ➢ Real-time monitoring through wearable devices
  • ➢ Re-evaluation of intestinal flora
  • ➢ Protein and metabolomics testing Measurement
  • ➢ Monitor other possible factors
Use real-time and static detection methods to determine the effectiveness of solutions and provide the basis for further improvements
Next step
  • ➢ Make necessary solution adjustments according to the effect
  • ➢ Regular nutritional and health status re-evaluation
  • ➢ Re-evaluation of nutrition and health status under special circumstances
  • ➢ Solutions based on changes in nutrition and health status
Maintain ideal nutrition and health

How to achieve personalized nutrition:

Step 1

Drawing on the nutrition questionnaire, but adding a comprehensive assessment of personal health and disease risks on the basis of testing, it is more accurate and comprehensive, but the cost is relatively high and the user population is relatively small.

Step 2

Establish an expert system and add the latest nutrition research results and a large amount of nutrition-related data, such as dietary guidelines, nutrient reference amounts (DRI), nutritional ingredient data, health product ingredient data, etc. Personalized nutrition advice is more accurate, more comprehensive, more objective and more scientific. Expert systems can be easily updated and improved.

Step 3

Based on the accumulation of large amounts of data, we use AI and machine learning methods to help us give accurate and efficient personalized nutritional advice, reduce the types and frequency of inspections, and make the price suitable for the public.

The basis of personalized nutrition advice is an understanding of the individual situation, but the key to success is the breadth, depth and novelty of knowledge about nutrition, food and the relationship between health and disease.